Local people speak about the title of "Prince of Wales" held by what is now HRH King Charles and passed on to his son William, after the passing of HRH Queen Elizabeth II, Machynlleth, Wales, UK
Pictured: The junction of Maengwyn Street and Penrallt Street and the Town Clock in Machynlleth, Wales, UK. Tuesday 13 September 2022
Re: Local people speak about the title of "Prince of Wales" held by what is now HRH King Charles and passed on to his son William, after the passing of HRH Queen Elizabeth II, Machynlleth, Wales, UK. Owain
ap Gruffydd (c. 1359 – c. 1415), commonly known as Owain Glyndwr or Glyn Dwr anglicised as Owen Glendower), was the last... more »
Pictured: The junction of Maengwyn Street and Penrallt Street and the Town Clock in Machynlleth, Wales, UK. Tuesday 13 September 2022
Re: Local people speak about the title of "Prince of Wales" held by what is now HRH King Charles and passed on to his son William, after the passing of HRH Queen Elizabeth II, Machynlleth, Wales, UK. Owain
ap Gruffydd (c. 1359 – c. 1415), commonly known as Owain Glyndwr or Glyn Dwr anglicised as Owen Glendower), was the last native-born Welshman to hold the title Prince of Wales. Machynlleth is the ancient capital of Wales « less